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A year of yurt living 

We have been living in our yurts for a whole year now and with the woodburner roaring they are feeling pretty cosy, despite the drizzle outside. We have one yurt used as a kitchen and living room, attached to another that is split into three bedrooms and a bathroom. We have all mod cons – electricity, a bath, a compost loo, oven and fridge, so it doesn’t feel very different to a house, although with limited insulation, it does get cold at night and hot water bottles are sometimes essential!

This also means that we are one year into the three years we have been given by the local council to set up a land-based business. If Gathered & Grown becomes financially viable in this time then we can apply for planning permission to live here permanently and build a home. If not, then we will have to remove the yurts and move off of our land, which would be the end of our long-held dream. So, there is a lot riding on us making Gathered & Grown a success and we are hugely grateful to everybody who buys our herbal teas! 

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