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Time to blend!

The vast majority of our herbs have been safely gathered in for the year and we have been able to mix ingredients to create our unique blends. I had a clear idea of the products I wanted to create, which determined the herbs I grew on our plot, but we had a lot of fun tasting and crafting the teas to perfection.

We wanted our labels, which we designed ourselves, to reflect the huge biodiversity we have started to see on our land since we have enhanced it for wildlife. Our crops and companion plants attract a variety of insects, including thick-legged flower beetles, rose chafers and small tortoiseshell butterflies. Birds enjoy the wilder patches we leave for them, with a huge charm of goldfinch (as seen on the morning tea label) that feeds on dandelion seeds. Our wildflower meadow regularly attracts a kestrel and the local tawny owls, looking for voles and we love seeing the swallows, yellowhammers, meadow pipits, redwings and even hobbies that visit at different times of the year. Rabbits, roe deer, bats and foxes are all seen here frequently, too.

Packaging up the tea proved very satisfying and exciting as it was the first time we had seen our finished products, except for in our imaginations!  

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